Ajay Agrawal
Founder, Creative Destruction Lab | Professor, Rotman School of Management
Ajay Agrawal
Founder, Creative Destruction Lab | Professor, Rotman School of Management
Avi Goldfarb
Site Lead, CDL-Toronto | Chief Data Scientist | Professor, Rotman School of Management
Francesco Bova
Chief Quantum Economist, CDL-Toronto
Avni Shah
Chief Behavioural Scientist, CDL-Toronto | Moderator
Kevin Bryan
Chief Economist, CDL-Toronto
Megan Badley
Managing Director
Hormuz Dadabhoy
Associate Director, Ventures
Trinh Vo
Associate Director, Operations
Mathew Platt
Venture Recruitment Lead
Kiara Karim
Senior Venture Manager, Advanced Therapies
Brianna Lee
Venture Manager
Peggy Sue Deaven
Venture Manager, Space
Ianthe Volbrecht
Venture Manager
Pruthvi Dhannapuneni
Venture Manager
Zach Suchanek
Venture Analyst
Andrew Metcalfe
Program Manager