Neil Duggal
Role: Scientist
Site: CDL-Rockies
Stream: Prime
Neil Duggal MD, MSc. FRCS(C) is a neurosurgeon and Professor at Western University with a primary appointment in the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences (CNS) and cross-appointments in the Departments of ENT, Medical Biophysics and the Robarts Research Institute. Dr. Duggal has a clinical practice focused on treating spinal disorders and has previously translated clinical problems into successful research collaborations, primarily in developing novel imaging paradigms. He has over 75 publications and has received numerous grants and awards including peer-reviewed funding from the Canadian Institute of Health Research.
Dr. Duggal earned his MD at the University of Ottawa in 1992. After a Neurosurgery residency at Western University, he completed a one-year fellowship at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. He joined Western University in 2000 as a member of the Division of Neurosurgery.
Dr. Duggal was the first surgeon to successfully perform a cervical artificial spinal disc replacement in North America. He has provided a clinical perspective in the commercialization of several products, including consulting as the Chief Medical Officer of Synergy Spine Solutions, a medtech company that identifies and commercializes innovative spine technologies to help surgeons improve their patients’ quality of life and advance the standard of care.