Chris Huskilson
An Engineer by training, Chris was President and CEO of Emera Inc. for 13 years, over which time he took the business from $3 Billion in assets to $30 Billion.
Recently Chris has been very active in the Atlantic Canadian startup ecosystem, a Founding Partner at CDL Atlantic, a Founding member of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, a mentor and investor in startup companies.
Chris is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia, and serves on many for-profit and not-for-profit Boards of Directors. Chris is Past-Chair of the Canadian Electricity Association, Past-Chair of the Great Halifax Partnership and Past-Chair of the Energy Council of Canada.
Chris is a member of the Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame, a recipient of the Energy Person of the year, a recipient of the Catalyst Canada Award for advancement of women in the workplace and a recipient of the F.H. Sexton Gold Medal for Engineering.
Chris holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Master of Science in Engineering and Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa from the University of New Brunswick.