Thomas Åstebro
Site: CDL-Paris
Thomas Åstebro is the L’Oreal Professor of Entrepreneurship at HEC Paris; Academic Director, HEC Online Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; co-Director Entrepreneurship Track HEC MBA Program, and past Academic Director of the HEC Leadership Center; member of the Steering committee Groupement de Recherche et d’Etudes en Gestion d’HEC (HEC Management Research Group); and member of the Steering and Curriculum committees, MBA Program at HEC. He is listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, is among the top 2 percent most downloaded authors on www.ssrn, has made over 150 presentations, published over 30 academic journal articles, and has been mentioned in business media over 50 times (including The Economist , Business Week , The Times , and Wall Street Journal). He is an Associate Editor at Management Science, and Small Business Economics, Advisory Editor at Industrial and Corporate Change, and Research Policy, and past Associate Editor of European Management Review. He has previously held positions at University of Waterloo, University of Toronto, and KU Leuven.