Raquel Tatar

Chief Science Officer & Chief Operating Officer, Healthy Minds Innovations Inc.

Role: Investigator

Site: CDL-Wisconsin

Stream: Health & Wellness

Raquel Tatar has a passion for applied science and meaningful work. This drove her to spend over a decade exploring different facets of coping with stress – including proactive coping, collective traumas, and longitudinal stressors. Much of her work has consisted of measuring the seemingly immeasurable, from scientific studies on myths of coping to educational program outcomes. She is committed to bringing science to life through evidence-based interventions and, not surprisingly, assessing their results. She also is a fervent believer that rebuilding public trust in science is crucial to alleviating many current global problems.

Prior to Healthy Minds Innovations, Raquel worked at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health as the Director of Assessment and Analytics. She is also the co-founder of Positus Provider and CFO of Robbu Group.”