Steve Liang

Founder & CTO, SensorUp

Role: Scientist

Site: CDL-Rockies

Streams: AgriFood, Energy, Prime

Steve Liang is a professor at the University of Calgary and the founder and CTO of SensorUp Inc, a CDL-Rockies Alumni company and NATO-award winning Calgary startup. SensorUp offers a geospatial platform for the Internet of Things. Steve authored several key IoT enabling international standards for the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and United Nation’s ITU-T. These open standards have been widely used around the world to build scalable and secure IoT solutions.

Steve earned his doctorate in Earth and space science at York University, Toronto in 2007. During his doctorate studies, he contributed to the development of one of the first virtual globe systems in the world, called GlobeView. GlobeView was later commercialized by GeoTango Corp., and subsequently acquired by Microsoft in 2005.

In 2013, Steve was chosen as one of Calgary’s Top 40 Under 40 by Avenue Magazine. He has been an invited speaker in more than 20 countries, and held the AITF-Microsoft Industry Research Chair on the Open Sensor Web from 2011 to 2014. He currently holds the Rogers IoT Research Chair from 2020 to 2025.